Welcome! Here is where you can get all updates, event schedules, and news about the children’s book Treasures at the Museum by Ms. Deborra Richardson, Chair and Chief Archivist for the Smithsonian National Museum of American History’s Archives Center. Treasures at the Museum is to be released September 2011 but here you can learn more about the book, the author, and more excitingly, before anyone else! This blog is being built so it is interactive and has something to offer for everyone including educators and professionals, parents, and even children. Take a look around, learn and explore, and have fun!

For more information, see the website of the publisher, The Elevator Group, at www.TheElevatorGroup.com. And visit Treasures at the Museum publishing site at http://www.theelevatorgroup.com/id40.html

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Great News! Great Fun! Great People!

Thanks to all who came out to the project yesterday. It was a great time! I was thrilled to meet authors that I had admired or read for years, and thrilled that I was sought out by some of them. I'd like to give a shout out to 
Walter Dean Meyers, http://www.walterdeanmyers.net/
Al (and Wanda) Hunter Jr. http://www.readytoplayball.com/
Kelly  Starling Lyons http://www.kellystarlinglyons.com/
Marilyn Nelson,  http://www.blueflowerarts.com/booking/marilyn-nelson
Jerry Pinkney http://www.jerrypinkneystudio.com/frameset.html
Linda Trice http://www.lindatrice.com/
Deborah Gregory and all Cheetah girls! http://www.cheetahrama.com/

Special Thanks to my publisher, Sheilah Vance and the Elevator Group www.theelevatorgroup.com  for all the hard work behind my appearance.

It was a special 20th anniversary for Vanesse Lloyd-Sgambati's African American Children's Book Project and I really appreciate the work she and her team do for our children. Woohoo! http://theafricanamericanchildrensbookproject.org/
The Book Fair started out on a cold frosty day at John Wanamaker Department Store and is now one of the oldest and largest single day events for African American Children's Books in the country. The success of the program is due to the fact that we offer the best and the brightest from the African A...

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