Welcome! Here is where you can get all updates, event schedules, and news about the children’s book Treasures at the Museum by Ms. Deborra Richardson, Chair and Chief Archivist for the Smithsonian National Museum of American History’s Archives Center. Treasures at the Museum is to be released September 2011 but here you can learn more about the book, the author, and more excitingly, before anyone else! This blog is being built so it is interactive and has something to offer for everyone including educators and professionals, parents, and even children. Take a look around, learn and explore, and have fun!

For more information, see the website of the publisher, The Elevator Group, at www.TheElevatorGroup.com. And visit Treasures at the Museum publishing site at http://www.theelevatorgroup.com/id40.html

Monday, November 14, 2011

Great Signing 11.11.2011!

The book signing on Friday was great fun! Thanks to Kimberly Springle for coming out....

I met some great folks and got a few good tips...I'd like to give "shout-outs" to Mary Colborn, Joe Guzman, and Laura Groth for taking a few minutes of their busy trips at the Museum to talk with me for a bit.

Remember, the next event is a reading at the Patterson Elementary School. If you would like to drop by, please give a call to either Linda Maxwell or me....
check out the events page on Facebook at TAM event 11/18/2011

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